Podcast- Patrick Sandone, Net Driven & The Guide App
Inflection PointsDec 07, 2021
For episode three, we sat down with serial entrepreneur Patrick Sandone. Our conversation covered a wide range of topics. We discussed Pat’s career path, including the successful sale of his technology company Net Driven in 2015. Patrick grew Net Driven from a one-person start-up into the largest digital marketing company serving independent automotive businesses in North America. We also discuss his most recent start-up venture, the Guide App, which will launch next year.
Patrick’s professional journey took him from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was classmates with Elon Musk, to a career on Wall Street, before getting his M.B.A. and joining his family’s business in Northeastern Pennsylvania. It was there he had the idea for Net Driven, a technology start-up focused on helping independent family-owned businesses get the same online exposure as big box retailers.
This was a great conversation that could benefit anyone interested in raising their game personally and professionally. However, we feel it could particularly benefit business owners who have sold or are considering a sale of their company. As advisors, we often see people focus entirely on the financial details and complexities of a transaction, while ignoring the emotional and psychological elements that can have an equally important impact. Patrick was such a fantastic guest, and incredibly candid as we discussed how he struggled personally with burnout, stress, and a loss of meaning and identity following the sale of his company. Despite having success in every way he could have ever hoped, Pat knew something was off. He expected a feeling of euphoria, but in many ways felt the opposite in the days and weeks following the sale.
This experience led him to take a break, and turn his attention to self-reflection and exploring why he was feeling this way. His journey deep into the world of personal wellness led directly to the founding of his new company, The Guide App. The Guide App will focus on helping people build a better life by creating and sharing a daily practice for a more effective mindset and emotional intelligence.
We also talk about information overload in today’s world, why working on yourself should be viewed as a strategic advantage, why tactics from the self-help industry doesn’t usually lead to lasting change, and much more. We hope you enjoy the episode! Patrick is now recruiting beta testers for his new app and is focused on serving veterans. If you are a veteran interested in building a better mindset or just a person interested in working to get better, please reach out to Patrick at psandone@theguideapp.com to join his next beta test.
The information on this podcast was created by Alliance Wealth Advisors and published for informational purposes only. The guest on this episode was not a client at the time of this interview and did not receive any compensation.